Excalibur is not a thing, something you can hold in your hand.
Excalibur is the good in you.
The power to do good, to stand up for what's right, to slay dragons, to capture bank robbers.
You always carry Excalibur in your heart.

Robert Tinnell, Kids of the Round Table (1995)

Monday, January 23, 2012

Het Huis Anubis en de Vijf van het Magische Zwaard

Het Huis Anubis en de Vijf van het Magische Zwaard (The House of Anubis and the Five of the Magical Sword, 2010-) is a Dutch/Flemish television series for adolescent viewers and features a prominent Arthurian story line with Merlin appearing in the series opening as he prophesies the future need for a band of young heroes (they seem sort of like mutants as each has one hypersensitive sense) to protect Excalibur from the evil Dark Druids (a task they accomplish over the course of the series) and later Morgan le Fay appearing in season two as the foe of the teen heroes and would-be wielder of Excalibur. Galahad also features in Season 2, when he is sent into the future (?) by Merlin to aid the teens (see http://anubisendelegendevandevijf.jouwweb.nl/anubis-personage-s).

I append a series of video clips below.

Openings to Season One (first the extended opening and then an abbreviated, but clearer one) (for translation of lyrics, click link and scroll down to "Opening Song")

Official Music Video (extended theme song: ) 

Opening to Season Two (with Morgan le Fay clearly shown as an antagonist)

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