Excalibur is not a thing, something you can hold in your hand.
Excalibur is the good in you.
The power to do good, to stand up for what's right, to slay dragons, to capture bank robbers.
You always carry Excalibur in your heart.

Robert Tinnell, Kids of the Round Table (1995)

Friday, June 14, 2019

Harty Celebration in Arthuriana

The latest number of Arthuriana (29.2 for Summer 2019) is a special issue celebrating the work of Kevin J. Harty. It also features a number of reviews of recent films.

Relevant content is as follows. Subscribers may access the issue at the journal's website and Project MUSE.

Alan Lupack and Barbara Tepa Lupack 3

‘Who are the Britons?’ Questions of Ethnic and National Identity in Arthurian Films
Christopher A. Snyder 6

Queer as Folk
Donald L. Hoffman  24

Tristan in Film
Joan Tasker Grimbert 47

A Connecticut Yankee at the Movies
Barbara Tepa Lupack 64

Romancing the Cold War: America’s Atomic Narrative Gets Medieval [on Adventures of Sir Galahad]
Susan Aronstein 86

From Kids as Galahad to Kid Galahad
Alan Lupack 102


Joe Cornish, dir., The Kid Who Would Be King
Alan Lupack 119
David Mackenzie, dir., Outlaw King
Andrew B.R. Elliott 121
James Wan, dir., Aquaman  
Susan Aronstein and Taran Drummond 124